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Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

May 8, 2024Motorcycle Accidents

Every year, hundreds of motorcyclists in the State of Colorado suffer serious injuries in traffic accidents. Many motorcycle crash victims experience long-term or permanent effects from their accidents, including debilitating injuries and expensive medical bills. Motorcycle accident injuries can vary in type and severity based on factors such as the type of collision, the speed of the vehicle and whether the rider used any protective gear. 

Brain Injuries

The Colorado Department of Transportation states that in 2022, motorcyclists represented 20 percent of the state’s total number of traffic deaths but only 3 percent of registered vehicles. This demonstrates just how severe injuries from a motorcycle accident can be. One type of catastrophic injury that is often associated with motorcycle accidents is traumatic brain injury.

Brain injuries can be caused by motorcycle accidents if the rider’s head strikes an object in the collision, such as a motor vehicle or the pavement. While motorcycle helmets are proven to reduce the risk of serious head and brain injuries, they are not 100 percent effective. A motorcycle rider or passenger could still suffer a catastrophic or fatal brain injury in an accident.

Broken Bones

Motorcycle accidents often result in broken bones, particularly to the extremities. A bone can fracture due to excessive force exerted upon it in a motorcycle crash, such as contact between a motorcycle rider’s leg and the road at high velocity. Getting crushed beneath the tires of a motor vehicle could also result in severe or multiple bone fractures.

Back and Spinal Cord Injuries

A motorcyclist’s back and spinal cord could sustain injuries in an accident ranging from mild muscle strains and sprains to severe spinal fractures that result in partial or complete paralysis. Injuries such as spinal concussions and contusions, slipped or ruptured disks, nerve damage, broken vertebrae, or a severed spine could all result in serious or long-term symptoms.

Road Rash

Road rash is a serious type of skin damage that consists of multiple abrasions, lacerations and contusions, often covering a large area of the body. Road rash occurs when a motorcyclist is ejected from his or her bike and slides across the surface of a road at high speed. 

Contact with asphalt or gravel in this way can cause painful friction burns and tissue damage, especially in exposed areas of the motorcyclist’s body. Road rash can range from superficial scrapes to severe friction burns that cause permanent scarring, disfigurement and traumatic tattooing.

Facial and Dental Injuries

A motorcyclist could strike his or her face against the road surface or another object in a motorcycle crash and suffer a serious injury, especially if he or she is not wearing a helmet. This can result in facial fractures or disfiguring lacerations and road rash. It can also cause dental injuries, such as chipped or missing teeth.

Internal Injuries

The force of the impact against a motorcyclist’s body, penetration by flying objects or debris, or getting pulled beneath a car’s tires could all cause serious internal injuries in a motorcycle crash. These injuries can affect critical organs such as the lungs, liver or spleen. 

Internal bleeding and organ damage can take hours or even days to show noticeable symptoms. This is why it is important for a motorcycle accident victim to seek immediate medical attention, even if the motorcyclist does not think he or she is badly injured.

If you or a loved one suffered any type of injury in a motorcycle accident in Colorado, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the at-fault party. Consult with an Denver motorcycle accident attorney at Dormer Harpring, LLC during a free consultation to learn more about your case.