GOLDEN, CO – Property damage was reported as a result of a collision that happened at West 4th Avenue and Heritage Road in the Golden Ridge area Monday. Golden police arrived at the scene before 6:30 p.m. Officers did not reveal the exact cause of this crash, specify the kind of people and vehicles...
SOUTH DENVER, CO – Several people were transported to a hospital after a collision versus pedestrian collision in the 2700th block of South Federal Boulevard Tuesday. Denver Police arrived at the scene before 10:30 p.m. Officers said the crash involved two vehicles and two pedestrians. #HeadsUp: #DPD is investigating a traffic crash with serious...
DENVER, CO – A motorcyclist was transported to a hospital after they were hit by a vehicle at the eastbound I-70 and Peoria Street intersection Tuesday. Denver Police arrived at the scene after 8:30 p.m. Officers have not specified the exact cause of this crash or said if anyone would be cited or charged. ...
GOLDEN, CO – One person suffered injuries in a collision reported outside the Golden History Museum at 10th Street and Cheyenne Street Saturday. Golden police arrived at the scene before 5:45 p.m. Officers did not reveal the events leading up to this crash, or list the kind of people and vehicles involved, or whether...
DENVER, CO – First responders were dispatched to a crash at the eastbound I-70 and North Pecos Street intersection Monday morning. Officials arrived at the scene after 7 a.m., according to Denver 7 Traffic. Due to the nature of this crash, delays could be seen from Sheridan. Latest crash is on EB 70 at...