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News: Scooter rider hurt in crash near Madame CJ Walker Park 

May 15, 2024Accidents In the News

DENVER, CO – A scooter rider suffered serious injuries upon colliding with a vehicle north of Madame CJ Walker Park after midnight Wednesday. 

This crash happened at the East 31st Avenue and High Street intersection, according to Denver Police

Officers have not specified the events leading to this collision, have not said if the scooter rider was hospitalized, or have revealed if anyone will face charges. 

Additional details will be provided as our newsroom learns more. 

The events leading up to a collision can look different for everyone, meaning that sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint who was at fault, especially if more than two parties were involved. If you sustained injuries in a scooter or pedestrian-related crash, our team of leading pedestrian accident lawyers can help you determine who was liable and address options regarding compensation. You can get a free case analysis by reaching out to Dormer Harpring, LLC, by phone at (303) 747-4404 or online